“[...] So, for example, if Howlsquad Heavy is exiled and you have max speed, it won't have that activated ability. But a Goblin Surveyor in your graveyard will, as its granted ability functions from there [...]”
- Matt Tabak (source)
Tags:Aetherdrift | Howlsquad Heavy | max speed | Retraction or correction
“I wanted to seek clarification on prize splitting in 2-slot RCQs. As long as someone announces that there will not be a final single-elimination round with the last two players facing off at the beginning of the event, or if the T4 agree, can individual matches freely agree to split much as the true finals? Does it matter if there is something like a lanyard that cannot be split among the two winners?”
“Without a finals, the Top 4 would functionally be "the announced last round of the single-elimination portion of a tournament". If there is an unsplittable item that goes to 1st, my suggestions would be to communicate to the players that it will go to the highest remaining seed and is not eligible for any discussions of prize splitting.”
- Jared Sylva ( SCG Discord | (Invite link))
Tags:Bribery | Prize splitting | RCQ | Star City Games
“Several of you have asked about Nadu and Dress Down. While I don’t have an answer right now, I have some research to do. I will have an answer shortly. Thanks for your patience!”
“As I suspected, causing Nadu to lose its abilities and then removing that effect does NOT reset the count for each ability it grants. If such an ability triggered twice before Dress Down, it’s still done for the turn, even after DD goes away.”
- Matt Tabak (source)
Tags:🦀🦀 banned card 🦀🦀 | Dress Down | Nadu, Winged Wisdom | removing abilities
“I control Jace, Wilder of Mysteries, Future Sight, a single Island, and a Chromatic Sphere. The only card in my library is Colossal Dreadmaw. Can I attempt to cast Dreadmaw, sacrifice Sphere, and win the game?”
“[...] It works. While you must be legally allowed to cast a spell to begin the casting process, whether you can pay for it or how you're going to pay for isn't part of this calculation. The game can't predict what mana you'll have access to. So starting to cast the Dreadmaw is fine. It's on the stack, and your library is empty. We eventually get to mana abilities, and you activate Chromatic Sphere. Drawing a card becomes a win. Nothing illegal has happened at this point. Something illegal was about to happen, but the game can't know that, and you won just before rule 730 would have kicked in. Unpayable costs are a red herring here. Nothing here is unpayable, just not currently payable by you. Unpayable is described pretty specifically in the CR and limited to cases of no mana cost, costs based on such absent mana costs, and 903.4f for color identity=0. You still need to be able to cast a spell with an unpayable cost so you can cast them w/o paying their mana costs if allowed.”
- Matt Tabak (source)
Tags:601.3g | casting spells | winning the game
“603.2e suggests that Tishana's Tidebinder should NOT remove abilities from Guardian of Ghirapur when you counter its delayed trigger, even though a creature was its source. But on Arena, it does. Is this accurate?”
“I think the arena behavior you describe is the desired outcome; 603.2e probably needs more (or perhaps less?) specificity. We’ll look into it alongside future rules updates we’re working on.”
- Jess Dunks (source)
Tags:603.2e | delayed triggered abilities | reflexive triggered abilities | Tishana's Tidebinder
“How does Miracle on enchantment cards [from Aminatou, Veil Piercer] work with Virtue cycle [e.g. Virtue of Loyalty]? Can I Miracle play the Adventure Half?”
“You can cast an Adventure of an enchantment card as the triggered ability of miracle resolves.”
- Jess Dunks (source)